Wednesday, August 17, 2011

LIFT--It's starting to sink in

One of the most high-profile changes in LIFT was the change in schedule to have Churchwide Assemblies every three years rather than every two years. There were some people saying that we needed to be able to react quickly (these didn't gain traction), but most of the negative reaction seemed to be based on the social aspect--if we don't meet every two years, we'll lose networking opportunities, we won't see everyone, we won't be able to talk about mission with all of these far-flung Lutherans, etc. Lots of people praising the non-legislative aspects of CWA, at least a couple self-proclaimed procedure nerds confessing that they didn't think a biannual legislative gathering was strictly necessary, and LIFT representatives saying that there are other whole church meetings going on regularly (Youth Gathering and WELCA), and part of the point is to create some room for people to come together in non-legislative gatherings without the denomination pushing them together.

There was doubt for a while whether the change would pass (it needed 2/3), but it did handily, 783-185. I think this new way of thinking about church really has a shot at taking hold. People who hadn't questioned their own assumptions substituting legislative language for reality are beginning to take a chance on the project. It's a definite risk, but I for one would rather put my trust in people rather than bureaucratic structures.

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